Business Environment Case Studies

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National Participatory Budget in Portugal-Reviving the Citizenry Trust in Government Case Study, Business Environment Case Studies National Participatory Budget in Portugal-Reviving the Citizenry Trust in Government Details BENV050

Marut Drones-Using Technology to Solve Social Issues Case Study, Business Environment Case Studies Marut Drones-Using Technology to Solve Social Issues Details BENV049

Aldi Süd-Can the Retailer decode the Chinese Puzzle? Case Study, Business Environment Case Studies Aldi Süd-Can the Retailer decode the Chinese Puzzle? Details BENV048

TikTok: Disrupting Global Social Media amidst Rising Geopolitical Risks and Other Concerns Case Study, Business Environment Case Studies TikTok: Disrupting Global Social Media amidst Rising Geopolitical Risks and Other Concerns Details BENV047

Conflict over Leadership and Succession at SJM Holdings: Can Stanley Ho`s Casino Empire Survive the Crisis? Case Study, Business Environment Case Studies Conflict over Leadership and Succession at SJM Holdings: Can Stanley Ho`s Casino Empire Survive the Crisis? Details BENV046

Fenix International`s ReadyPay Solar Power System: Spurring Energy Inclusion in Uganda Case Study, Business Environment Case Studies Fenix International`s ReadyPay Solar Power System: Spurring Energy Inclusion in Uganda Details BENV045

UAE Shifts to Four and Half day Workweek: Another Bid to Attract Investments Case Study, Business Environment Case Studies UAE Shifts to Four and Half day Workweek: Another Bid to Attract Investments Details BENV044

Google Australia-How Should It Respond To Australia`s News Media Law? Case Study, Business Environment Case Studies Google Australia-How Should It Respond To Australia`s News Media Law? Details BENV043

Etisalat Rises to COVID-19 Challenge in UAE Case Study, Business Environment Case Studies Etisalat Rises to COVID-19 Challenge in UAE Details BENV042

Conflict Minerals Rule in the US: Repeal or Reform? Case Study, Business Environment Case Studies Conflict Minerals Rule in the US: Repeal or Reform? Details BENV041

Lakshadweep`s COVID-19 Controlling Strategy - `Zero Cases out of Million` Case Study, Business Environment Case Studies Lakshadweep`s COVID-19 Controlling Strategy - `Zero Cases out of Million` Details BENV040

IKEA`s Challenges in Russia Case Study, Business Environment Case Studies IKEA`s Challenges in Russia Details BENV039

Should Coca-Cola Enter the Cannabis Infused Drink Market? Case Study, Business Environment Case Studies Should Coca-Cola Enter the Cannabis Infused Drink Market? Details BENV038

Tesco Exits Turkey Case Study, Business Environment Case Studies Tesco Exits Turkey Details BENV037

ChemChina-Syngenta Deal: China`s Quest to Enhance Global Food Security Case Study, Business Environment Case Studies ChemChina-Syngenta Deal: China`s Quest to Enhance Global Food Security Details BENV036

Petrobras Scandal: Brazil`s Biggest Corruption Case Case Study, Business Environment Case Studies Petrobras Scandal: Brazil`s Biggest Corruption Case Details BENV035

McDonald`s in China-Shifting Fortunes of the World`s Biggest Fast-food Chain Case Study, Business Environment Case Studies McDonald`s in China-Shifting Fortunes of the World`s Biggest Fast-food Chain Details BENV034

Google in China-The Reentry Dilemma Case Study, Business Environment Case Studies Google in China-The Reentry Dilemma Details BENV033

Tesco Exits South Korea Case Study, Business Environment Case Studies Tesco Exits South Korea Details BENV032

Macy`s-On a Quest to Regain Momentum Case Study, Business Environment Case Studies Macy`s-On a Quest to Regain Momentum Details BENV031

Nike in China Case Study, Business Environment Case Studies Nike in China Details BENV030


Petrobras: Drilling in Troubled Waters? Case Study, Business Environment Case Studies Petrobras: Drilling in Troubled Waters? Details BENV028

Detroit City: The Road to Bankruptcy Case Study, Business Environment Case Studies Detroit City: The Road to Bankruptcy Details BENV027

Carrefour’s Exit from Greece Details BENV026

Israel-based Ahava Dead Sea Laboratories: Operating in a Hostile Business Environment Details BENV025

Microfinance Industry in India Details BENV024

Huang Guangyu: Gome Founder`s Fall from Grace Details BENV023

Victory for Democracy, Triumph of People Power: Anna Hazare’s Non-Violent Anti-Corruption Movement Details BENV022

Indian Animation Industry: Moving Up the Value Chain? Details BENV021

The Ugg Boot Controversy in Australia Details BENV020

Sovereign Wealth Funds: Love and Loathing in the Financial Markets Details BENV019

Multinational Retail Chains & the China Opportunity Details BENV018

Genetically Modified Crops in India: The Bt Brinjal Controversy Details BENV017

The Indian IPO Market in Early 2008 Details BENV016

The US Housing Market and the Subprime Mortgage Crisis (B): Impact on the US Economy Details BENV015

The US Housing Market and the Subprime Mortgage Crisis (A) Details BENV014

Troubled Times for The Chinese Toy Industry Details BENV013

Kentucky Fried Chicken: Tackling the Trans Fat Problem Details BENV012

Germany's 'Green Dot' Waste Management System Details BENV011


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