The Concorde Project - A Technical Engineering Triumph but a Commercial Disaster

The Concorde Project - A Technical Engineering Triumph but a Commercial Disaster
Case Code: PROM004
Case Length: 04 Pages
Period: 1956 - 2001
Pub Date: 2004
Teaching Note: Available
Price: Rs.200
Organization: Supersonic Transport Aircraft Committee
Industry: Aerospace
Countries: UK, France
Themes: -
The Concorde Project - A Technical Engineering Triumph but a Commercial Disaster
Abstract Case Intro


This case narrates the various stages in the project life cycle for an ambitious project taken up by two governments, UK and France, to create a plane that would break down the barriers of distance by traveling at speeds greater than that of sound.

The case tells how the project sponsors' (UK and France) dream of creating a supersonic passenger plane materialized and the various problems that resulted in huge cost and schedule over runs. This is a typical example of a project that was technologically successful but was a commercial failure.


  • The need for analyzing the market feasibility of a project idea
  • The importance of a project plan and control mechanisms for the successful implementation of a project
  • The influence of external factors on the success of a project


Case, Project Life Cycle, Ambitious Project, Two Governments, UK, France, Traveling, Sound, Sponsors, Dream, Creating, Supersonic, Passenger Plane, Huge Cost, Schedule, Over Runs, Technologically Successful, Commercial Failure

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