Chandigarh Industrial and Tourism Development Corporation Ltd:
Integrating Corporate Social Responsibility with Sound Business Sense
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Case Details:
Case Code : BECG075
Case Length : 11 Pages
Period : 2006-2007
Pub Date : 2007
Teaching Note :Not Available Organization : Chandigarh Industrial and Tourism Development Corporation Ltd.
Industry : Public Sector, Tourism
Countries : India
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Integrating Corporate Social Responsibility with Sound Business Sense case study
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This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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Excerpts Contd...
Early Signs of Success
Within a month of its launch, the success of the Condom Bar was evident. It was
reported that the bar was attracting a steady flow of customers, mostly young
people. According to CITCO, the sales figures of the bar in its first month of
operation (May 2007) were Rs. 1.6 lakh, compared to Rs. 31,000 (for the bar that
used to be in its place) in May 2006. With the increase in the number of people
visiting the bar, CITCO was planning to increase the seating capacity of the
bar. CITCO's management was very happy with the early success of its initiative.
Initially they were apprehensive that the bold theme of the bar would prevent it
from attracting a decent clientele as couples might find the place
Criticism and Citco's Response
Experts felt that a bar with such a bold theme was sure to raise some eyebrows
in the predominantly conservative Indian society. Though the bar did not
face any protests on moral grounds, Bir said that he had received
threatening phone calls. Some conservative residents of Chandigarh had
criticized CITCO's initiative, alleging that the bar was promoting
promiscuity. A customer refuted this allegation saying, "Actually after
visiting the bar, you will think many times before indulging in casual sex,
and if you do, you will make sure you do it safely."Some critics opined
that Indians were not culturally ready for such a bar...
Some people were surprised that a bar like this was started in
Chandigarh ahead of other places like Mumbai, the country's commercial
capital. Experts felt that this was the case because setting up ventures
like this in India was not easy. The conservative outlook toward sex had
led to several Indian states banning sex education in schools. It was
also not uncommon in India for HIV/AIDS awareness initiatives to attract
the ire of conservative groups... |
Exhibit I: Key Figures for CITCO
Exhibit II: A Brief Note on Corporate Social Responsibility in HIV/AIDS
Exhibit III: A Brief Note on the Red Ribbon
Exhibit IV: Logo of Condom Bar
Exhibit V: A Photograph of a Table in the Bar