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Textbook Edition: II
Pages : 490; Paperback;
210 X 275 mm approx.

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Workbook Edition: II
Pages : 231; Paperback;
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Database Management : Chapter 8

SUMMARY: A database management system is a collection of interrelated data and a set of programs for accessing that data. Data is logically organized into characters, fields, records, files, and databases in an information system.

The five main components of a database system are data, hardware, software, procedure, and user. File organization is defined as the logical sequence in which the records are organized in the file.

File organization can be of the following types: pile, indexed, sequential, indexed-sequential, and hashed. Data models are mainly used for specifying the overall logical structure of a database and for providing a higher-level description of the implementation. Data models fall into three different categories, namely, record-based logical models, object-based logical models, and physical data models.

 The DBMS is software that allows the programmer and administrators to create, delete, store, retrieve, organize, interrogate, and maintain databases for providing the required information to the end users and their organizations.

An ideal database system should ensure efficiency in storage and retrieval of data, data integrity, data independence, data consistency, along with data sharing and security.

In an organization, there are various categories of databases based on their use. They include operational databases, analytical databases, hypermedia databases, data warehouses, and distributed databases.

The process of database development is divided into the three phases, namely, database planning and modeling; database design; and database implementation and maintenance.

The Entity-Relationship model (E-R) is based on the perception of a real world that consists of entities and the inter-relationships between these entities.

The model was proposed as a basis for unifying the different views of data, which included the network and the relational views. The basic elements of this model include entities, relationships, and attributes. The E-R model should be converted to a relational model for it to be directly used in a database. The model has been extended to and is being widely used in the field of database designing.

A Relational Database Management System stores data in the form of tables and then links or relates those tables to provide answers to the diverse queries of users. A relational database system can generate reports for the queries made. Structured Query Language (SQL) is a popular query language. To write a SQL query, a user needs to use keywords like SELECT, FROM, WHERE, followed by attributes like name, address, etc. Data dictionaries contain details of all the files in the database, the records in each file, and the details of the fields in each record.

Data dictionaries enforce standard data element definitions whenever end users and application programs use a DBMS to access an organization's databases. According to Bill Inmon, "A warehouse is a subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant and non-volatile collection of data in support of management's decision making process."

Data warehouse architecture represents the overall structure of data and has three components, namely, data source, data loaders and DBMS, and query and analysis tools. Data mining refers to extracting and analyzing the data from different sources and summarizing it into useful information.

The main objective of data mining is to look for (hidden) patterns in the data that can be used for formulating a business strategy or to look for unusual behavior.

A distributed database is a single logical database consisting of two or more data files which are placed at various sites on a computer network. All the distributed databases are controlled by a centralized distributed database management system (DDBMS). An object-oriented database (also referred to as an object-oriented database management system or OODBMS) is a set of objects. The state, behavior, and relationships of these objects are characterized in line with the object-oriented data model. In other words, in these databases, the data is modeled and created as objects.

The relational databases had certain shortcomings. As a way out for overcoming these limitations of the relational databases, the concept of Object Relational Database Management System (ORDBMS) was introduced. The ORDBMS allows the software developers to incorporate their customized data types and methods into the database. These databases support both object and relational models and thus enable the reusability of the structure.

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