Claim Adjusters and Workers Compensation Claims

Claim Adjusters and Workers Compensation Claims
Case Code: INS006
Case Length: 03 Pages
Period: 2003
Pub Date: 2003
Teaching Note: Available
Price: Rs.100
Organization: Varied
Industry: Insurance
Countries: India
Themes: -
Claim Adjusters and Workers Compensation Claims
Abstract Case Intro

Shankar Raman joined the railways in 1975. He started out as a mechanic and worked in different capacities from 1975 to 1998. As a mechanic, he had to use solvents to remove engine grease from engine parts and tools as well as from his hands and clothing.

After some years he got promoted as supervisor. However, his exposure to solvents did not stop there. As a supervisor, he continued to inhale solvents during the daily inspections.

After some time, Raman experienced rashes, dizziness, breathlessness, and disturbed sleep patterns. Because of his problems, he even made life difficult for other members in his family.

Raman usually maintained a good rapport with his peers and superiors. But in 1990, he had problems with his immediate superior Pawan Sarkar. Sarkar even allegedly waged a campaign of harassment and intimidation against Raman. Despite his problems, Raman never complained against Sarkar to higher authorities....

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