Strategic Marketing Management


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Pages : 538; Paperback;
210 X 275 mm approx.

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Chapter Code : SMMC02


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Strategic Marketing Management Textbook

Marketing Strategy and Planning : Overview

The success of a business depends on its vision and objectives. A company should decide how to compete, in order to face competition in the markets. The long-term vision of a company determines the how, when, where and where not to compete in the markets. A business should identify its competitive advantage and differential competence abilities over its rivals in the market. There are two different approaches to identify competitive advantage, namely, customer-oriented analysis and the competitor-oriented analysis.

Market-orientation is an organizational culture that focuses on the customers to understand their requirements and provides superior value. The three main components of market-orientation are customer orientation, competitor focus, and coordination across functions. There are two strategies for developing market-orientation namely the planned strategy and the adjust strategy. The marketing strategies should be formulated in line with the business strategy of a company.

Some of the barriers to the successful implementation of marketing strategies are resistance to change by the middle management, flawed outlook by various persons and departments in the organization, inadequate information flow, and variance in performance measurement systems.

Marketing planning is a systematic process that involves considering several organizational factors. Strategic marketing planning refers to planning for a period of three years or more. Tactical marketing planning is usually for a period of a year or less. The objectives of marketing planning are to analyze the requirement of resources, to indicate the expected results, to focus on the strengths of business, etc. Some of the hurdles in the marketing planning process are misunderstanding tactics and strategy, treating marketing as an independent function, etc.

A marketing plan is a written document used to record the output of the marketing planning process. A marketing plan gives the details of the activities to be performed and the programs to be undertaken to meet the marketing objectives. The process of preparing a marketing plan involves summarizing the strategic situation, describing the target markets, setting objectives for the target markets, preparing a marketing program positioning strategy, forecasting sales and allocating budgets, and preparing contingency plans.

Chapter 2 : Overview

Deciding How to Compete
Identifying the Competitive Advantage

Components of Market-orientation
Developing Market-orientation

Business Strategy and Marketing

Marketing Situation Analysis

Analyzing Markets and Competitors

Segmenting Markets
Continuous Learning about Markets

Designing Marketing Strategy
Targeting and Positioning Strategy
Implementing a Marketing Strategy

Marketing Planning and Marketing Plans
Strategic Marketing Planning and Tactical Marketing Planning
Marketing Planning
Marketing Plan